How is everyone’s December going? I’m guessing like me – you have a lot of balls in the air as you attempt to juggle work, event planning, shopping, cooking, and family visits. It’s quite the balancing act! I myself fall victim to this trap – and I have found it difficult to make time for myself and make time for writing / making videos! But I’ve managed to make it a priority today – because your breathing should be priority this time of year … it could quite possibly make or break your holiday season.

Speaking of balancing acts – I wanted to introduce Nadi Shodhana, also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing. It is exactly what it sounds like. . . a breath control technique where you alternate which nostril you breathe in and out of. The effects are (as you can imagine) -> balancing! It is a great technique for grounding yourself and lowering anxiety and stress.

Now if you find yourself under the weather this time of year, and you have a cold or the sniffles which block breathing through your nose – fear not. You can practice this technique using visualization – the power of your big, beautiful mind. As you breath in and out (the best and most comfortable way for you) simplyimagine yourself taking in air from one nostril and exhaling it through the opposite nostril as instructed in my video. The mind is a powerful instrument and you will find you will have similar results. The same goes for anyone who might have difficulty breathing or performing the accompanying arm movements due to medical conditions or physical limitations. Always remember to do what is most comfortable in your body and consult your doctor first if you have any concerns.

Contraindications for this Breath:

In general, Nadi Shodhana is safe for most people, but consult your doctor first if you have:

  • Lung Conditions such as asthma or COPD
  • Heart Conditions such as Hypertension

Benefits of Nadi Shodhana:

  • Balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain
  • Lowers Stress and Anxiety
  • Improves Circulation
  • Lowers Heart Rate
  • Clears subtle energy channels (nadis) to improve prana (life force) movement in the body
  • Improves Focus

Let’s Try It! Check out my video or use the written directions below:

  • Find a comfortable seated position with a nice tall spine.
  • Take moment to take a few intentional breaths
  • Place right hand in vishnu mudra (bring index and middle fingers to the palm, extending out thumb, pinky, and ring fingers)
  • Lift your right hand up toward your nose, keeping the head and neck straight
  • Inhale through both nostrils to begin
  • Exhale through your left nostril as youuse your right thumb to close your right nostril
  • Inhale through left nostril keeping right nostril closed with thumb
  • Exhale through your right nostril using your ring finger and pinky to close the left nostril
  • Inhale through the right nostril keeping left nostril closed with ring finger and pinky
  • This is one full cycle of breath
    • Once you get the hang of the nostril blocking it becomes a little more simple:  e Exhale Left                   Inhale Left                   Exhale Right                Inhale Right
  • Continue for up to 5 rounds or what feels comfortable for you.
  • Always finish the practice by ending with an inhale on the right side so that you end on a full cycle of breath and are balanced on each side.
