Changing the Game Around Habit Formation

Let’s take a moment to look at the way we decide to change, create, and sustain habits. If you are like me, this is a struggle. Typically, my dive into creating new habits in the past looked something like this:

(I’ll use the example of a gym membership because, well – we’ve all been there)

Step 1. Buy gym membership.

Step 2. Workout 3 hours a day 5 days a week plus classes (NO PAIN! NO GAIN!)

Step 3. Feel like total crap.

Step 4. Go to the gym less next week.

Step 5. Drop down to a few classes here or there.

Step 6. Stop going – but pay membership for additional 6 months to add crushing guilt.

Sound familiar? I’ve applied this spectacularly failing model to everything from diets and exercise to study habits and cleaning. I jump in hot and heavy, and things die down quickly. Every. Single. Time.

I say let’s change the game. Here are three simple guidelines for shifting your perception on habit change. I don’t have a easy 1-2-3 Guide for you or a one size fits all model. What I do have is a practical way to treat your mind, body, and soul as your move through a life transition.

The Decision To Start

Old Way: I’m too ___________. (unhealthy, sad, fat,…)

Yoga OT Way: I’m ready

What drives your desire to create your new habit? (Be mindful here). This is an opportunity to frame your decision to make a change in your life in a certain light. If your mindset is negative, and you feel guilted into changing your habit because you are disgusted with yourself – it’s going to be a rocky road my love. Frame the decision to start your new habit as an intention for self love. This decision is a formulation of your intention. Setting this intention is the first step in manifesting it. Do it with love and care and celebrate this moment. This is a positive moment! For any habit! The decision to start is the beginning … so if you are (1) reading this now,  (2) are interesting in starting a yoga habit, and (3) are on my Instagram or Website…you have already completed step one! Congratulations!!! You are ready! You can cross that off your list.

Change Your Battle Cry

Old Way: No Pain, No Gain!

Yoga OT Way: Find the Sexy Spot

Push through! Rub some dirt on it! You’ll be happy you didn’t quit! The pressure of the way our culture exercises is extreme. As an athlete since I was a child – I will tell you this: it is not worth it. Pushing your body through pain leads to injury…which will lead to more….pain – not gain!

The days of no pain, no gain are behind me. I have sustained many injuries and endured physical and mental pain at various stages of my life. I’m here to tell you: it’s time to let that shit go. Enter the days of making yourself feel good, happy, fulfilled, enough, whole … That’s why you’re here, right? To change something about yourself for the positive? Let’s make the journey feel good…and not just good – sexy. Because you deserve that. You deserve to feel exciting, stimulating, intriguing, and appealing. Let’s get on that level!

So find the sexy spot. Simply put – do things that feel loving to your body. Listen to your body and release the no pain, no gain mentally. Find that gentle nuance where you feel not only good – but motivated, stimulated, and intrigued for whatever life brings you next! This is not accomplished after a particularly grueling workout, or a 24 hour fast, if you don’t come out feeling that sexy spot. For example: If you are dieting and really just starving after hitting your calorie goal, eat something please. I’m not saying a pepperoni pizza with mozzarella sticks… but do not force yourself through pain for an imaginary gain. If you are running and exercising through joint pain – stop. If you are pushing yourself to pain in a yoga pose – please, please stop. Learn your bodies limits, listen to your body’s limits, and love your body’s limits.

Change The Scale

Old Way: Go Big or Go Home

Yoga OT Way: Start Small and At Home

Go Big or Go Home goes hand in hand with No Pain, No Gain. Starting small and knowing your limits is the first step in creating sustainable change. Because creating unrealistic and unsustainable goals for yourself is completely demoralizing. Do not start a habit with the intention of changing something positive about your life, and then let that same habit and intention get you down.

This is why I promote short, impactful, yoga practices that can fit into any lifestyle and work with any body. It is much more beneficial to practice yoga for less than ten minutes a day, 5 times a week, than to drive yourself crazy trying to make it to an hour long class once a week, which peters off inevitably to once every few weeks, – because ya know – life happens.

Additionally, practicing at home is a wonderful opportunity to explore this new world of yoga in a familiar space. It’s safe, it’s comforting, its home!

Visit my YouTube Channel or sign up for my free five day mini yoga course to take a small, sustainable, step in the right direction.
